A lot of things have been weighing heavy on my heart. Petty things that don't really make that much of a difference. It seems to distract me from what God is calling me to do. Instead of hearing people I'm drifting off into my own thoughts.
Today I spent several hours just hearing from the Zim refugees, hearing more stories of hurt. One man told us today that he would rather die than continue to struggle, but because of his faith in God he wouldn't take his own life. He's been struggling for 11 years now. He says that he doesn't want to be rich, he just wants to be able to have a home and feed his wife and daughter. That shouldn't be a dream, that should be a reality for everyone in this world. To eat, to have shelter, to be able to provide a home for your family, to be treated like a human being.
One man's decisions has created this.
Come, Lord Jesus, come...
It kind of puts my problems in perspective. It's not that I should ignore my heart, God holds it in His hand. But He hold theirs too, so maybe I should care more about what God thinks of my heart. I'm learning more and more about what matters most and I hope I'm on to something.
Ah, he's singing this song just now...
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice, this is my life...
May that be true of my life.
this is great christopher...I suppose 'music to blog by' could be my next chore around the commune. bless you dude. let's shout for zimbabwe-
Good stuff, Chris!
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